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Self-Employment as a Delight

How to reduce stress and follow your dreams while replacing job security


You really want to reduce stress or anxiety. You feel a disconnect between where you thought you would be and where your life actually is. Nine out of ten workers want to trade money for more meaningful work. You lack time and energy for hobbies as well as connecting with friends and family.

At the same time the skills gap is growing and we urgently need to be (re)trained for the new world of work.


Now, more than ever, it is possible (and necessary!) to follow your own dreams and actively contribute to a better future. 


The 'Self-Employment as a Delight' Program shows you why setting up your own business is critical for your health and survival in an age of Artificial Intelligence, automation and robotics, and how to do that in a sustainable, fun and fulfilling way.


Professionals and managers – all over the world - are not engaged, they lack 21st century skills and meaning, and have (mental) health issues.

The exponential change in technology leads to a major transition in society, in jobs, and in income.

We don’t know how to cope with all of these challenges.


Retraining workers to thrive in the new economy should be a top priority for the country ~ Ray Dalio


We need to be retrained to move away from fitting in (meeting someone else’s expectations) towards flying out (living a life true to ourselves).

The 'Self-Employment as a Delight' Program trains you to become an explorer of life and work. It addresses the key questions (who, why, what, how, when, where) of running your own business. The program has these modules:

  • #1 Why you want to follow your dreams

  • #2 What are the secrets of our conditioning

  • #3 How to do amazing and meaningful work

  • #4 How to set up a business

  • #5 How to use innovation 

  • #6 How to market and sell

  • #7 How to keep yourself happy and healthy

  • #8 How to stay up to date



“The emptiness inside of you is caused by a lack of love and suppression of your capabilities. Fill this void with self-compassion and love for lifelong learning.” 

~ Arnold Beekes


Getting started

The 'Self-Employment as a Delight' Program will give you the fundamentals for following your dreams. Those fundamentals will serve you for the rest of your life.

The 'Self-Employment as a Delight' Program lasts six weeks and includes two retreats (one at the start and one at the end) as well as online support in between. In total the program consists of:

  • 20 hours of learning, 

  • Ongoing feedback from the group

  • Physical & Brain Fitness

  • Each week one-hour coaching 

  • Each week a one-hour talk by an inspirational speaker

  • Each week a one-hour question & answer session

Your participation will be a game changing experience and sets you up for future success.


“This program made me realize and understand what I’ll have to do to not just keep myself, but also my work stable and interesting. For everyone who is eager to know what lies ahead, this program will lead you through the process of discovering the future and adapting to it prematurely!” ~ S.L.

Next steps

Do you have the courage to live a life true to yourself?

Do you want less stress and more meaning?

Do you want to know the essentials of being self-employed?

Would you love to work on yourself and our future?


You can sign up for The 'Self-Employment as a Delight' Program by emailing arnold.beekes@gmail.comHe will inform you about the details like when a new class starts and what the investment is.


to About


Arnold Beekes is an innovation leader, founder/CEO of startups, certified trainer/coach, speaker, author, and previous leader in Corporate ICT.



My journey from ‘fitting in’ to ‘flying out’


Conformity was an integral part of my upbringing. My father was a military officer, both in his work and at home. Still, I was very different from my fellow students at primary school. I was complying to my father’s norms and not with those of the group, my friends at school.  I was different in the sense that I always had a short haircut (remember: military coup) and was not allowed to wear jeans. This was hard, especially in the sixties! Also I wanted t become a member of a soccer team, but that was not allowed, I had to play (field) hockey. If I complied in every area of my life (school, gardening, polishing shoes, sports etc.), he would not be angry, then it was sort of okay.


In high school, the focus was on knowledge tests and totally not on talents, strengths and –more important- on who I am. Like most young people I had no clue what career and corresponding education to choose. In the university, the approach was basically the same; the focus was mainly on sharing knowledge. I was still a cog in the learning machine.

Then I had to do military service, no need to further explain what that meant for fitting in.


In my work, both in a small company and in multinationals, there was a strong push to comply with corporate culture. Although it was my job to innovate, there was still this strong centrifugal force.


This means that from a very young age, we are supposed to meet the expectations of others, either your parents, teachers, professors, bosses or even spouses. To fit in seems to be the holy grail of our society.

I am arguing that this fitting in is seriously impacting the (physical and mental) health of individuals and it also restricts the growth of a business. My headaches proved that fitting in was harming me personally as well.


When I quit my job, I did discover a completely new world that has been totally out of sight for me. I learned about health, sleep, spirituality, positive psychology, brain science and above all personal development.   There is so much useful and meaningful information available to strengthen my life and work. It makes my life more fun and it gives me control over my own life. I have taken back that control from others.  I am always happily gaining the knowledge, skills, and mindset to flourish, to fly out.


Continuously I am questioning why there is no curriculum to learn to fly out, at school, university and at work. Further automation and robotization, makes it necessary to stimulate uniqueness in order to stand out, both as an individual and as a business. Over the last years, I have made that shift (from fitting in to flying out) and it has been very rewarding. Now, I am sharing that learning to enable others to enjoy being the best possible version of themselves.

Tel: +31621274776

Skype: beekes



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